Vision, Mission & Quality Policy

ABSA’s Vision
To lead in pressure equipment safety.

ABSA’s Mission

ABSA, as a regulatory authority in Alberta, works with our stakeholders to ensure that pressure equipment is designed, constructed, installed, operated, maintained and decommissioned in a manner that protects public safety.

ABSA’s Quality Policy

To manage strategic and operational risks and opportunities, ABSA has developed and is committed to the continual improvement of a quality management system to support our Vision, Mission, and Values.

The quality management system is registered to ISO 9001:2015 and provides a framework for establishing quality objectives. We are committed to satisfying all legal and regulatory requirements and the needs and expectations of interested parties. Risk-based decision making is used to determine strategic and operational priorities. Objectives are documented in our Business Plan, Corporate Operational Plan, Department Operational Plans, and Individual Performance Plans.

Every employee is responsible for the quality of their work and to consistently achieve effective process performance and contribute to continual improvement. ABSA provides training and has established documented processes to help employees understand and achieve the performance standards expected for their work.

Last Modified: 11/10/2022 2:00:08 PM