Plant Registry

In response to our stakeholders’ requests, ABSA has developed a plant registry. This is a registry of plants that have been assessed and rated in terms of kilowatt capacity in the context of the Power Engineers Regulation.

The purpose of the registry is to:

  1. Have a record of the assessment of the plant’s rating.
  2. Provide clarity with regard to the plant ratings for the owners and the power engineers/operators.
  3. Be used to determine the type of supervision and the class of certification required for the power engineers/operators.
  4. Help to speed up the certification process when combined with a training/competency matrix to evaluate a power engineer’s operating experience.

The Plant Registry documents provided to the owner will contain the following information: the plant registry kilowatt capacity, the plant rating, the minimum certification level for the supervising engineers, plant name, plant registry number and an equipment listing. It is recommended that this document be prominently displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises.

If information is missing, simply add it into the form that you received, as per the instructions below.

If information is not correct, simply strike out the incorrect information and update the form and the equipment listed as follows:

  • Equipment Description
  • A Number (Alberta Registration Number)
  • Kilowatt Rating (calculated as per PER Section 29)
  • Process Fluid (HW, Glycol, LP Steam, HP Steam, Thermal Fluid)
  • Group: This heading refers to boilers attached to a common header that form a plant for the purpose of determining the kilowatt capacity:
    • The first letter designates the type of boiler (P = Power Boiler, H = Heating Boiler or Thermal Liquid Heating System).
    • The second letter designates the process operating fluid (W = Hot Water, G = Glycol/water Mixture, S = Steam, and T = Thermal Liquid).
    • The third number indicates the number assigned to all boilers or thermal liquid heaters connected to that common header.
    • NOTE: When updating the equipment list for return to ABSA, the third number is the only information to be filled in by the Owner/Operator.


  1. For thermal liquid heaters, indicate pressure at which expansion tank is operated (atmospheric pressure or operating pressure of inert gas blanket relief valve)
  2. For Power Plants [PER Section 1(o)], identify in comments section Oilfield Once-Through Boilers (PER Table 2)

Sample of a Pressure Equipment A# List
Sample Plant Registry Documents

Attn: Colin Kendell
9410 20th Avenue,
Edmonton, Alberta T6N 0A4

Please direct any questions or comments to:
Phone: 780-433-0281 ext 3320

Last Modified: 6/15/2022 8:39:22 AM