Submission Requirements for Registration of Fitting Designs in Alberta
The following provides specific Administrative and Technical Submission requirements for each Fitting Design registration application.
We prefer electronic submissions for fitting registrations. Please see Electronic Submissions for more details.
Special Notes for electronic submissions:
- A completed Declaration of Conformity form AB-351, in an electronic (PDF) format, as alternative to Statutory Declaration is acceptable.
- Only one set of documents is required.
- One (1) completed Design Registration Application Form AB-31 for each separate design submitted to ABSA. Place this form on top of the application package.
- One (1) original and completed Statutory Declaration Form, this is Form AB-41. Since this is a legal document, it must be witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths if you are a manufacturer within Alberta or witnessed by a Notary Public, if you are a manufacturer from outside Alberta. Errors or omissions in completing the AB-41 form will cause the document to be rejected.
- In the past, two original copies of the AB-41 Statutory Declaration form were required to be submitted. Only one original is now required; a facsimile of the accepted form will be returned to the submitter when the fitting design is accepted. For submissions for National Registration, all Statutory Declaration forms must be original and notarized.
- For guidance in completing the AB-41 form, please refer the AB-41a Guide for Completing Form AB-41 or contact our office for further assistance. PHOTO COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Alternative to AB-41
(Declaration of Conformity Form AB-XX -as alternative to the Statutory Declaration)
• One (1) original and completed Declaration of Conformity Form AB-351. Since this is a conformity document, it must be completed following a validation and verification process in accordance with the manufacturers’ Quality Program, signed by a person employed by the manufacturer. The person signing AB-351 shall be in a position of authority and has responsibility for the fittings conformity and compliance. Errors or omissions in completing the AB-351 form may cause delays in the processing of the application.
• For guidance in completing the AB-351 form, please refer the AB-351a Guide for Completing Form AB-351 or contact our office for further assistance. PHOTO COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- One (1) copy of the Quality Control Certificate or IS0 9001 certificate from the agency that verified the Manufacturer’s quality management system that attests to the fact that a suitable quality management system exists and that it is being implemented.
- Two (2) separate sets of design details which would include applicable drawings, brochures or catalogues.
- One (1) copy of the proof of registration for each separate design application, if the fitting is registered in another Canadian jurisdiction. This will include the stamped statutory declaration form, stamped drawings, stamped catalogs, or acceptance letter.
- ALL documents larger than 8 ½” BY 11” MUST BE FOLDED
- Mail applications to:
Attn: Design Survey
9410 20th Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6N 0A4
- At our discretion, we may return a copy of the registered fitting design and AB-41 Statutory Declaration or AB-351 Declaration of Conformity form to you in PDF format via email, scanned at 300 dpi in black and white only. Click for more information.
The focus of the design registration review is to verify that the Fitting design complies with the requirements of the Act and Regulations. For new Fitting designs, the design shall be documented and submitted on drawings, specifications, brochures, catalogues and other information that describes the design.
The submitted documents must be as detailed as construction drawings issued to the manufacturing floor. This detail must be self explanatory such that no additional information is required from the designer or submitter and that it meets the Act and Regulations as well as the Code of Construction or Standard. In short, the drawings must be complete enough that, without having to assume anything, one could use the submitted drawings and specifications to build the exact same item and have it meet the Code. The design documents shall show, but are not limited to:
- Cover letter explaining the scope of registration requested.
- Details of the arrangement of all components,
- Dimensions of assemblies and sub-assemblies for all pressure components,
- Materials for all pressure components, an
- Range of sizes.
- Drawings, brochures or catalogues that provide (for each assembly),
- Design conditions,
- Design Rating, or
- Pressure Class.
- Detailed calculations or if calculations are not applicable, then copies of the proof test results witnessed by an inspector or an authorized inspector and acceptable to ABSA.
- Any other information that is necessary for the Administrator or Safety Codes Officer to survey the design and determine whether it is suitable for registration.
Last Modified: 6/5/2024 1:51:33 PM