Electronic Design Submission - CRN Portal

ABSA prefers to receive design submissions electronically through the CRN Portal rather than requiring duplicate hard copies to be sent to our office. The CRN portal provides the following advantages:

  • Enhanced security of the submitted information (the submitted information is received from your company/personal submitter account that assure no interference of intermediate parties)
  • Provides immediate confirmation of the submitted information (the submitter is in control of the submitted information through the entire process of submission).
  • The process is significantly expedited (it does avoids several unnecessary steps such as mailing, email or phone communication and provides significant protection of unnecessary delays or lost information)
  • Chat communication with ABSA dedicated staff for administrative related questions (development in Progress)
  • Online interactive forms are in process of development that will reduce the need of several pdf mandatory files.
  • National registrations applications can be submitted through the CRN Portal

We encourage future submitters to open a CRN Online Portal account to use the benefit of the expedited, efficient and secure submission process, and receiving enhanced communication experience. Please note that email submissions are not to be sent directly to any Design Surveyor. Do not follow-up with a hard copy of the submission.

Completed packages may be returned electronically with the following two options:

  • The entire package, if accepted for registration, with registered and stamped drawings will be available on the submitter CRN Portal account.
  • Via email (scanned in black and white), or in hard copy at ABSA’s discretion. If a package is sent via email and not accepted by the recipient’s email service (e.g., due to attached file size), we may assess a small fee for printing and sending it in hard copy. Please note these delays can be avoided when using the CRN Portal.


Your feedback is welcome. If you are happy with this service, or if for some reason these requirements do not work for you, please contact us via email at crnonline@absa.ca.

Last Modified: 11/25/2024 7:53:57 AM